Civil liability and contracts
We advise and represent our clients in the closing of legal transactions, making sure to defend their interests and preserve their business concerns. We handle the management of the occurrence of risks, defaults, and other situations potentially generating distortions in the execution of contracts.
We also intervene in the resolution of disputes arising from the conclusion, execution, and liquidation of contracts and the occurrence of events that generate extra-contractual civil liability.
a) Preparation, review, and negotiation of contracts, other agreements, and amendments.
b) Legal advice during contractual execution, legal risk management, and handling of non-compliance scenarios.
c) Preparation, defense, and attention to claims of contractual origin, due to financial imbalance, the occurrence of risks, non-compliance, among others.
d) Representation of the client and negotiation of controversies derived from the contract in court, arbitration, dispute boards, direct settlement, among others.
e) Judicial and extra-judicial representation of the client before disputes of extra-contractual civil liability and some specific civil liabilities such as consumer law.
Notable Cases
Stabilization and return of inhabitants of the Atalaya de la Mota building
Our team represented the Atalaya de la Mota Horizontal Property, which consisted of 248 apartments evacuated for 15 months due to the risk of collapse. Our clients received uninterrupted housing assistance from the builder, the building was stabilized and the inhabitants were able to return to their homes.
Negotiation of contracts between the Trustee, the Bank and the purchasers of an unfinished real estate project
On behalf of 44 buyers, our team achieved the closing of an agreement with Banco Colpatria and Acción Fiduciaria, which allowed the completion of a real estate project located in the San Lucas sector in the city of Medellín, which was abandoned by its developer and builder, lacking an investment of approximately COP 7,500,000,000 to finish the work. The real estate units were completed and were deeded and occupied in 2018.
Reinforcement and return of the inhabitants of the Colores de Calasanía Building
We provided legal advice to the construction company of Urbanización Colores de Calasania during the process of diagnosis and structural reinforcement of the 377-apartment building. This, within the framework of the consumer protection action initiated by the owners of the evacuated housing units. This was the first structural reinforcement process of such magnitude successfully completed in the city of Medellín.
Direct settlement with heirs in sale and purchase on 1,875 hectares
Our firm was able to resolve a complex dispute related to the purchase and sale of twelve properties with a total area of approximately 1,875 hectares. This deal is particularly important because the properties are located in the Magdalena Medio sub-region, a place where cattle are vital for the regional economy and the production of high-quality beef for national consumption. The matter was being heard before the 38th Civil Court of the Circuit of Bogotá, at the request of a lawsuit filed by Ariza & Marín on behalf of the buyer against the heirs of the seller. Thanks to the direct settlement reached, the judicial process ended against 13 of the defendants and will continue against only 1 person.